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Forkby Main Page

This is the main page where new customers will see. They have a choice of either selecting the Truckie or Foodie button and they will be directed to their page, either B to B (Truckie Page) or B to C (Foodie Page).

Truckie Page – B to B

The Truckie’s messaging is directed to all the food trucks owners joining Forkby, informing them of great benefits, easy to enroll, just by filling the form.

Foodie Page – B to C

The Foodie’s messaging is directed to Food lovers. When they enroll with Forkby, they can enjoy many benefits and features to their convenience with ease.

Truckie Profile Page

This  is the page where the Truckie is required to fill out their profile to access the benefits.

Truckie Account Page

When the Truckies log into their account, this is the page they will see. They can access their schedule, see other truck’s location, track where their trucks are located, and upload their menu. If they join the Premier Account, they can edit their menu, upload new dishes and ads and pre-order capabilities, which will be shown on the Foodie’s page.


Forkby helps bring gourmet food trucks and foodies closer together by offering an online neighborhood sharing system on desktop to mobile devices/apps that forecast locations of trucks, shared schedules, online menus to take out orders, online advertisements on new foods and promotions.

Food truck owners benefit because the number of people dining increases as foodies are introduced to more interesting, varied and healthier food choices.
